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Retrieves the Windows Administrator password for the informed instance.

The password is accessible only once and has a built-in expiration date to enhance security.


./mgc virtual-machine instances password [id] [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Flags:
  • --cli.list-links enum[=table] List all available links for this command (one of "json", "table" or "yaml")
  • Wait until the operation is completed by calling the 'get' link and waiting until termination. Akin to '! get -w'
  • -h, --help help for password
  • --id uuid Id (required)
  • -v, --version version for password

Other commands:

  • Global Flags:
  • --api-key string Use your API key to authenticate with the API
  • -U, --cli.retry-until string Retry the action with the same parameters until the given condition is met. The flag parameters
  • use the format: 'retries,interval,condition', where 'retries' is a positive integer, 'interval' is
  • a duration (ex: 2s) and 'condition' is a 'engine=value' pair such as "jsonpath=expression"
  • -t, --cli.timeout duration If > 0, it's the timeout for the action execution. It's specified as numbers and unit suffix.
  • Valid unit suffixes: ns, us, ms, s, m and h. Examples: 300ms, 1m30s
  • --debug Display detailed log information at the debug level
  • --env enum Environment to use (one of "pre-prod" or "prod") (default "prod")
  • --no-confirm Bypasses confirmation step for commands that ask a confirmation from the user
  • -o, --output string Change the output format. Use '--output=help' to know more details.
  • -r, --raw Output raw data, without any formatting or coloring
  • --region enum Region to reach the service (one of "br-mgl1", "br-ne1" or "br-se1") (default "br-se1")
  • --server-url uri Manually specify the server to use
