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Operations with instances, including create, delete, start, stop, reboot and other actions.


./mgc virtual-machine instances [flags]
./mgc virtual-machine instances [command]

Product catalog:

  • Commands:
  • create Create an instance asynchronously.
  • delete Delete a instance asynchronously
  • get Retrieve the details of an instance.
  • list Lists all instances in the current tenant.
  • port port
  • reboot Reboot a running or suspended instance.
  • rename Renames an instance.
  • retype Changes a running or stopped instance machine type for another one.
  • start Starts a running or suspended instance.
  • stop Stops a running instance.
  • suspend Suspends a running instance.

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • -h, --help help for instances
  • -v, --version version for instances


Global Flags: Show all CLI global flags on usage text