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Create a Virtual Machine instance


./mgc virtual-machine instances create [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Examples:
./mgc virtual-machine instances create"9ec75090-2872-4f51-8111-53d05d96d2c6""some_resource_name""9ec75090-2872-4f51-8111-53d05d96d2c6""some_resource_name" --network.associate-public-ip=true"9ec75090-2872-4f51-8111-53d05d96d2c6"'[{"id":"9ec75090-2872-4f51-8111-53d05d96d2c6"}]'"9ec75090-2872-4f51-8111-53d05d96d2c6""some_resource_name"

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • --availability-zone string Availability Zone (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • --cli.list-links enum[=table] List all available links for this command (one of "json", "table" or "yaml")
  • Wait until the operation is completed by calling the 'get' link and waiting until termination. Akin to '! get -w'
  • -h, --help help for create
  • --image object Image (at least one of: single property: id or single property: name)
  • Use --image=help for more details (required)
  • string Image: Id (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--image=id:string'.
  • string Image: Name (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--image=name:string'.
  • --machine-type object Machine Type (at least one of: single property: id or single property: name)
  • Use --machine-type=help for more details (required)
  • string Machine Type: Id (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--machine-type=id:string'.
  • string Machine Type: Name (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--machine-type=name:string'.
  • --name string Name (between 1 and 255 characters) (required)
  • --network object (properties: associate_public_ip, interface and vpc)
  • Use --network=help for more details
  • --network.associate-public-ip boolean network's associate_public_ip property: Associate Public Ip
  • This is the same as '--network=associate_public_ip:boolean'. (default true)
  • --network.interface object network's interface property: Interface (at least one of: single property: id or single property: security_groups)
  • Use --network.interface=help for more details
  • This is the same as '--network=interface:object'.
  • string Interface: Id (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--network.interface=id:string'.
  • array Interface: Security Groups
  • Use for more details
  • This is the same as '--network.interface=security_groups:array'. (default [])
  • --network.vpc object network's vpc property: Vpc (at least one of: single property: id or single property: name)
  • Use --network.vpc=help for more details
  • This is the same as '--network=vpc:object'.
  • string Vpc: Id (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--network.vpc=id:string'.
  • string Vpc: Name (between 1 and 255 characters)
  • This is the same as '--network.vpc=name:string'.
  • --ssh-key-name string Ssh Key Name (required)
  • --user-data string User Data (between 1 and 65000 characters)
  • -v, --version version for create


Global Flags: Show all CLI global flags on usage text
--env enum Environment to use (one of "pre-prod" or "prod") (default "prod")
--region enum Region to reach the service (one of "br-mgl1", "br-ne1" or "br-se1") (default "br-se1")
--server-url uri Manually specify the server to use