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Generate a pre-signed URL for accessing an object


./mgc object-storage objects presign [dst] [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Examples:
./mgc object-storage objects presign --dst="bucket1/file.txt" --expires-in="2h"

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • --dst uri Path of the object to generate pre-signed URL for (required)
  • --expires-in string Expiration time for the pre-signed URL. Valid time units are 'ns, 'us' (or 'µs'), 'ms', 's', 'm', and 'h'.default=5m
  • -h, --help help for presign
  • --method enum (one of "GET" or "PUT") (required) (default "GET")


Global Flags:
--chunk-size integer Chunk size to consider when doing multipart requests. Specified in Mb (range: 8 - 5120) (default 8) Show all CLI global flags on usage text
--region enum Region to reach the service (one of "br-mgl1", "br-ne1" or "br-se1") (default "br-se1")
--server-url uri Manually specify the server to use
--workers integer Number of routines that spawn to do parallel operations within object_storage (min: 1) (default 5)