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Object operations for Object Storage API


./mgc object-storage objects [flags]
./mgc object-storage objects [command]

Product catalog:

  • Commands:
  • acl ACL related operations
  • copy Copy an object from a bucket to another bucket
  • copy-all Copy all objects from a bucket to another bucket
  • delete Delete an object from a bucket
  • delete-all Delete all objects from a bucket
  • download Download an object from a bucket
  • download-all Download all objects from a bucket
  • head Get object metadata
  • list List all objects from a bucket
  • move Moves one object from source to destination
  • move-dir Moves objects from source to destination
  • presign Generate a pre-signed URL for accessing an object
  • public-url Get object public url
  • sync Synchronizes a local path with a bucket
  • upload Upload a file to a bucket
  • upload-dir Upload a directory to a bucket
  • versions Retrieve all versions of an object

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • -h, --help help for objects


Global Flags: Show all CLI global flags on usage text