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Returns a list of database instances for a x-tenant-id.


./mgc dbaas instances list [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Examples:
./mgc dbaas instances list --status="ACTIVE"

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • --control.expand enum Instance extra attributes or relations to show with the main query. When available, more than one value can be informed using commas. e.g: '--control.expand="replicas"' (must be "replicas")
  • --control.limit integer The maximum number of items per page. (range: 1 - 25) (default 10)
  • --control.offset integer The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. (min: 0)
  • --engine-id uuid Engine Id unique identifier
  • -h, --help help for list
  • --status enum Value referring to instance status. (one of "ACTIVE", "BACKING_UP", "CREATING", "DELETED", "DELETING", "ERROR", "ERROR_DELETING", "MAINTENANCE", "PENDING", "REBOOT", "RESIZING", "RESTORING", "STARTING", "STOPPED" or "STOPPING")
  • -v, --version version for list
  • --volume.size integer Volume Size exact size
  • --volume.size-gt integer Volume Size greater than
  • --volume.size-gte integer Volume Size greater than or equal
  • --volume.size-lt integer Volume Size less than
  • --volume.size-lte integer Volume Size less than or equal


Global Flags: Show all CLI global flags on usage text
--env enum Environment to use (one of "pre-prod" or "prod") (default "prod")
--region enum Region to reach the service (one of "br-mgl1", "br-ne1" or "br-se1") (default "br-se1")
--server-url uri Manually specify the server to use