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./mgc container-registry images get [registry-id] [repository-name] [digest-or-tag] [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Flags:
  • --cli.list-links enum[=table] List all available links for this command (one of "json", "table" or "yaml")
  • --digest-or-tag string Digest or tag of an image. (required)
  • -h, --help help for get
  • --registry-id uuid Container Registry's UUID. (required)
  • --repository-name string Repository's name. (required)
  • -v, --version version for get

Other commands:

  • Global Flags:
  • Show all CLI global flags on usage text
  • --env enum Environment to use (one of "pre-prod" or "prod") (default "prod")
  • --region enum Region to reach the service (one of "br-mgl1", "br-ne1" or "br-se1") (default "br-se1")
  • --server-url uri Manually specify the server to use
