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Update a client (Oauth Application)


./mgc auth clients update [id] [name] [description] [redirect-uris] [icon] [access-token-expiration] [always-require-login] [client-privacy-term-url] [terms-of-use] [audiences] [backchannel-logout-session-enabled] [backchannel-logout-uri] [oidc-audiences] [refresh-token-custom-expires-enabled] [refresh-token-expiration] [reason] [flags]

Product catalog:

  • Examples:
./mgc auth clients update --access-token-expiration=7200 --audiences="public" --description="Client description" --name="Client Name" --refresh-token-expiration=15778476

Other commands:

  • Flags:
  • --access-token-expiration integer Access token expiration (in seconds)
  • --always-require-login Must ignore active Magalu ID session and always require login
  • --audiences string Client audiences (separated by space)
  • --backchannel-logout-session-enabled Client requires backchannel logout session
  • --backchannel-logout-uri string Backchannel logout URI
  • --client-privacy-term-url string URL to privacy term
  • --description string Description of new client
  • -h, --help help for update
  • --icon string URL for client icon
  • --id string UUID of client (required)
  • --name string Name of new client
  • --oidc-audiences string Audiences for ID token
  • --reason string Note to inform the reason for creating the client. Will help with the application approval process
  • --redirect-uris string Redirect URIs (separated by space)
  • --refresh-token-custom-expires-enabled Use custom value for refresh token expiration
  • --refresh-token-expiration integer Custom refresh token expiration value (in seconds)
  • --terms-of-use string URL to terms of use


Global Flags: Show all CLI global flags on usage text